I'm working on a small crowd scene and trying to figure out the best way to set it up from a workflow perspective. I have addons or particle systems to place the characters, but I need to generate a bunch of characters to feed into those.
I need to place ~25 characters total. For that, I want to have a few unique bodies, and a few unique pieces of clothing, hair, etc. I will then mix and match to have ~25 unique combinations, even if they share a lot of parts. I'm looking for a way to avoid doing this manually. I also want to keep all the parts instanced, although it's not totally essential (but would be for bigger scenes.)
I'm looking to be able to do something like link/append a character, and each time I do it gives me a random body, shirt, pants, hair, etc from a group. I know it's possible to have a particle system use a random object from a group for each particle, but can it be done for something like this?
Does anyone know the proper way to do this, or something similar? Is this even the correct way to approach this problem?
EDIT: I am looking at making a script for this. I'm looking for the best way to approach it, or to get input from anyone who has made something similar.