
I am working on a BGE Horror Game right now and I want the enemy to follow the player around, but not directly. I want it to also walk around radon parts of the map even when the player is not there. Is this any possible with the Steering Actuator? And also, I have seen the different behaviours that I can apply (Path following, Seek, Flee). What is the difference between these 3?

Thanks in advance!

  • $\begingroup$ Welcome to BSE! :D As far as following the player around, I think you'll have to do a bit of work in python for that. I would suggest having the enemy path find to an empty that is placed randomly via a python script. As far as the different behaviors go, from what I can remember path following has obstacle avoidance and is a good way to get from point A to point B. Seek will cause the object to just start walking towards the target, and flee will cause it to start walking away. I believe seek and flee have basic obstacle avoidance, but I'm not sure. $\endgroup$
    – krypticbit
    Commented Jun 26, 2018 at 0:52

1 Answer 1


Possible result: enter image description here

What you're searching for is called a "Navmesh" and it is done without any python-code.

Therefore you need the Steering-Actuator.

The Seek-Mode makes your object to allways face into the direction of the target and move towards it, until the set distance is reached.

The Flee-Mode is quite the opposite, it makes your object move away from the target, until the set distance is reached.

What you need for avoiding obstacles is the Path following-Mode. This mode uses a mesh that tells your object, where it can move and calculates the fastest way to the target.

1. Create a Navmesh - select every collision objects in your scene, including the floor. Then click on Build Navigation Mesh, which creates you a plane with holes, where your obstacles are. Play around with the Agent-Values if your scene has ramps or different hights...

enter image description here

2. Use the Navmesh by choosing your Navmesh as "Navigation Mesh" in your Steering-Actuator.


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