One approach to finding if a shading point P is inside another object in OSL includes firing a probe ray back towards the camera from P, and detecting, whether the first face encountered faces towards P, or away from it.
This involves finding the normal of the first hit face. According to the OSL specification, I would expect this to be expressed in "common" space, which in the Blender/Cycles implementation, is world space.
This shader, tN_anomaly, is essentially for debugging - it prints formatted information about P, the probe ray fired from it, and the point hit by the ray.
#include "stdosl.h"
// DEBUG HELPER - return 1 with probability prob
int pRnd(float prob){
int iP = int((noise("usimplex",P))* 1000000000) ;
int iI = int((noise("usimplex",I))* 1000000000) ;
return( ((iP^iI ) % 1000000 ) < (1000000 * prob));
// DEBUG HELPER - return string repr of raytype(s)
string dbgRayTypes(){
string sRT = "";
if (raytype("camera")) sRT = concat(sRT,"[CAM]");
if (raytype("diffuse")) sRT = concat(sRT,"[DIF]");
if (raytype("glossy")) sRT = concat(sRT,"[GLS]");
if (raytype("reflection")) sRT = concat(sRT,"[RFL]");
if (raytype("refraction")) sRT = concat(sRT,"[RFR]");
if (raytype("shadow")) sRT = concat(sRT,"[SHD]");
if (sRT == "") sRT == "[NUL]";
return sRT;
shader tN_anomaly(
output int hitBackfacing = 0
// fire a ray back towards the eye from the shading point
if (trace(P,I)){
// Built in to OSL ...
// All following points and vectors in world space...
// global - P: shading point of current object.
// global - I: vector from P to eye.
// global - N: shading normal at shading point.
// global - Ng: true normal at shading point.
// create containers for traced object´s values...
string tObj; // name of object hit by the probe ray
vector tI; // vector from the probe ray´s hitpoint to P
point tP; // point on target hit by the probe ray
normal tN; // shading normal at tP
normal tNg; // true normal at tP
// Assign the corresponding values...
getmessage ("trace", "geom:name", tObj);
getmessage ("trace", "I", tI);
getmessage ("trace", "P", tP);
getmessage ("trace", "N", tN);
getmessage ("trace", "Ng", tNg);
// CALCULATE OUTPUT: Whether the hit mesh´s hit face was backfacing.
// If the normal of the first face hit is frontfacing to the camera,
// (down I), it´s backfacing to us.
if( dot(tN,I) > 0) hitBackfacing = 1;
//PRINT DEBUG INFO for one in a thousand 'hit' rays
// Output style:
// | ray type: [RTP]
// +----------------------+---------------------
// | self | hit: tObj
// | I Ix , Iy , Iy | tIx , tIy , tIz
// | P Px , Py , Pz | tPx , tPy , tPz
// | N Nx , Ny , Nz | tNx , tNy , tNz
// | Ng Ngx, Ngy, Ngz | tNgx, tNgy, tNgz
// | bf ?bf | t?bf
// Where:
// [RTP] stands for the raytype flags produced by dbgRayTypes()
// Ix (and likewise) is the x component of I (etc.)
// tIx (and likewise) is the x component of the hit object´s I (etc.)
// ?bf is, whether P is viewed from the back, using backfacing()
// t?bf is the output of the script, stored in hitBackfacing
if (pRnd(0.001)){
string dbg = format ("\n\n| ray type: %5s\n", dbgRayTypes());
dbg = concat(dbg, "+----------------------+---------------------\n");
dbg = concat(dbg, format("| %14s%8s%13s%s","self","|","hit: ",tObj));
dbg = concat(dbg, "\n| I");
dbg = concat(dbg,format("%7.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",I[0],I[1],I[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, " | ");
dbg = concat(dbg, format("%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",tI[0],tI[1],tI[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, "\n| P");
dbg = concat(dbg,format("%7.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",P[0],P[1],P[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, " | ");
dbg = concat(dbg, format("%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",tP[0],tP[1],tP[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, "\n| N");
dbg = concat(dbg,format("%7.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",N[0],N[1],N[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, " | ");
dbg = concat(dbg, format("%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",tN[0],tN[1],tN[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, "\n| Ng");
dbg = concat(dbg,format("%6.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",Ng[0],Ng[1],Ng[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, " | ");
dbg = concat(dbg, format("%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f",tNg[0],tNg[1],tNg[2]));
dbg = concat(dbg, "\n| bf");
dbg = concat(dbg,format("%12i",backfacing()));
dbg = concat(dbg, " | ");
dbg = concat(dbg, format("%11i", hitBackfacing));
printf ("%s\n\n",dbg);
In the illustrations, there are two unit cubes. The yellow cube is 0-1 in world X,Y and Z. It uses the shader in this node tree:
The hope is,that if the first face hit when probing back to the eye is backfacing with respect to the probe, the yellow cube will be shaded blue.
The pink cube's material is a simple tinted transparent BSDF. It's called 'TGT'.
OK, here's the first case. the camera is looking down Z. The pink cube is above the yellow cube, and clear of it, so you would expect the first normal to be encountered by the probe to be (0,0,-1).
A typical line printed by tN_anomaly is as follows:
| ray type: [CAM]
| self | hit: TGT
| I -0.00,-0.00, 1.00 | 0.00, 0.00,-1.00
| P 0.96, 0.94, 1.00 | 0.96, 0.94, 1.15
| N 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 | 0.00, 0.00,-1.00
| Ng 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 | 0.00, 0.00,-1.00
| bf 0 | 0
So far, so good. The first face of the hit object, (TGT's P, second column) is in the right place, just above Z=1, and its normal (N or Ng, second column - these won't differ with flat shading) shows as (0,0,-1). The output (bf, second column) is thus as it ought to be as well.
Now the second case: this time the cubes overlap, so we would expect the first normal encountered to be (0,0,1).
The typical output is as follows:
| ray type: [CAM]
| self | hit: TGT
| I -0.00,-0.00, 1.00 | 0.00, 0.00,-1.00
| P 0.96, 0.94, 1.00 | 0.96, 0.94, 1.80
| N 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 | -0.00,-0.00,-1.00
| Ng 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 | -0.00,-0.00,-1.00
| bf 0 | 0
Everything checks out: you can tell the right face of the pink cube is being hit (by looking at TGT's P in the second column). But TGT's normal (N or Ng, second column), is pointing the wrong way. And the output backfacing flag (bf, second column), which should now be 1, thus hasn't changed either, since it depends on the direction of N.
Can anyone on BSE give an innocent explanation .. or .. If this is a bug, where should I post it / ask further about it?
is provided by OSL? I can't find it in the spec, but you've managed to print it without defining it, so it must be coming from somewhere? With no docs, bf to what, I wonder? $\endgroup$