How to reduce the curved shape of a surface, to make it more planar ?. Doesn't have to be perfectly flat like a plane or grid. I want to 'relax' the shape so become less convex.
3 Answers
There is this neat trick that works in almost every 3d software out there that forces vertices to go to same plane. Simply go to edit mode by pressing TAB select all by pressing A, press S to scale, then X or Y or Z depending which plane you want them to be thrown at, and then press 0.
Just a quick supplement to the answers already given .. for scaling, you have the option of creating your own orientation..
- Select all the faces, and CtrlAltSpace to find an axis on the mean surface normal
- With a suitable pivot point, (maybe Median) SZZ to scale down that axis
- You can use Proportional Editing (O) to vary the effect.
there are some tools that might help you. ctrl v - smooth vertex
file - user preferences - addons - mesh - activate looptools. you will find a few helpfull new entries at the right side in the tools menu