You can't loop through bm.faces, because you are creating more faces in the loop, which are also iterated over. Instead make a copy of the faces
faces_copy = [f for f in bm.faces]
Now, your code would give us the following result.
Notable problems
- Insets, even at 0 depth.
- Your example image shows and inset with 0 depth and then a random extrusion.
Let's implement that. Luckily, after a inset_region operation, the face index stays the same so we can simply extrude it by insetting another time and moving the face's vertices along the face normal.
bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=0.4, depth=0)
bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=0, depth=0)
bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts = face.verts, vec = face.normal)
Now lets add the randomness:
import random
bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=random.uniform(0.1, 0.9), depth=0)
bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=0, depth=0)
bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts = face.verts, vec = face.normal * random.uniform(0.1, 4))
We need to catch the newly "extruded" faces. Luckily inset_region
returns geometry. We can create a new face list like this:
geom = bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=0, depth=0)
new_faces = geom['faces'] # list of bmesh faces
Create an empty list for the new faces. After the insetting and extrusion, we'll add the active face and the extruded side faces.
Complete code (with two iterations):
import bpy
import bmesh
import random
from mathutils import Vector
obj = bpy.context.active_object
bm =
# faces, which could be extruded
faces_copy = [f for f in bm.faces]
new_faces = []
# number of iterations goes here
for i in range(0, 2):
for face in faces_copy:
do_inset = random.randint(0,1)
if do_inset:
bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=random.uniform(0.1, 0.9), depth=0)
geom = bmesh.ops.inset_region(bm, faces = [face], thickness=0, depth=0)
bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts = face.verts, vec = face.normal * random.uniform(0.1, 4))
faces_copy = new_faces
new_faces = []
The concept is pretty cool, but it already show, that we need to implement a method to take the faces size into account before using bmesh.ops.translate