I have an issue with extruding along Vertex Normals. The faces extrude independently.
When I select the extrusion type with the proper faces selected:
The faces extrude individually and don't stay with each other: I have my pivot center set on Median Point which has been mentioned in some of the other posts. I am following a tutorial and can see it work correctly in the video. I also saw in another post that it could be because one of the faces isn't linked correctly. All of these faces were created with other extrusions and as far as I can tell everything is linked correctly.
I am running Blender Version 2.79b. I also loaded my file in version 2.78c with the same results.
I don't see a way to upload the blender file here so I tossed it out on Dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrt263hwd2n6ibj/SpaceShip.blend?dl=0
Any help would be very much appreciated.