I have a key shape of SUSPENSION going from fully squashed to fully stretched.
The key shape is for the suspension of this vehicle rig.
The key shape is 100% weighted to an IK bone.
I've also created two small cubes that are weighted to the bones directly above and below the key shape (the varying distance between these two cubes will be used by the driver).
The maximum distance the cubes will be apart is ¬2.6 blender units. (Blunits?) The minimum distance is ¬0.7 blunits.
I put a driver on the Shape Key value, and set this to Sum Values, then selected the two small cubes to provide the distance.
I've moved one of the cubes closer & farther from each other and the driver works! The key shape of the suspension changes.
Now I need to adjust the range of this distance driver so that it matches to where the min + max values need to be in relation to the rig.
...but I don't know how. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!