I am trying to create a scene of a close up realistic sand. Here are a couple of photos I found online of real sand, and I would like to create similar result in Blender.
For the lighting, I will be using a HDRI Environmental Texture. I have tried different ways of creating such a result, but none of them seem to give me a realistic result or a result close to as the photos provided. I tried, using a sand texture with Displacement , Normal, and Gloss Textures. For this case, I got a result that was ok, but it was not good for a close up, which is what I need.I also tried doing it with a particle system, but was unable to achieve the required result.
Could somebody try to help me, and show me how I can create a sand similar to the pictures, close up, and as realistic as possible. Please feel free to use an HDRI environmental texture, since this is what I want to use for my result.