I've been working in Blender for about 1.5 years now and I found a serious problem, that I cannot resolve myself.
The problem is Baking textures in Cycles Render mode (actually in every mode), which seems to bake a textures black and no shadows, colors, AO, nothing just black. Only normals and UVs bake shows something different and correct I guess.
I tried many techniques to make it work somehow but neither of them tell me the right thing. I tried this and this.
They somehow seem useful but it still doesn't bake right. If you need my graphics info and Blender version: AMD Radeon R9 200 series Blender 2.78 Intel core i5-3470 CPU
So these are the steps I always followed:
- Open a new project, set up a simple cube and a sunlight
- In edit mode unwrap that cube using Smart UV Project.
- Add a new image 512x512 without Blank option enabled
- Then I made a new material in nodes editor (image bellow) with an Image texture node connected to the Diffuse BSDF node. I kept the image texture node selected and began baking, by clicking the Bake button.
- It didn't work so I even tried recalculating normals, making sure it's not duplicated (the object) and checking if there aren't 2 materials active. I tried making a new project too but the probled doesn't seem to go away.
Thank you for helping!
Here is link to file