Hi so I have just installed my blender software on windows. I have just finished watching how to navigate viewports, and this is where I'm stuck unfortunately :D Yes, I am a noob at this, I am very familiar with GIS software but not this. So to say, when watching the tutorial on navigating viewports I see that the guy can easly zoom, pan and rotate the view with only using his mouse and his left and middle button. What happens when I click the left m-button is I only shift the place of a white and red circle with a black cross in it. see picture here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EIjb5COfmdECQwwo_jPxEMNYRozDHa4g
This is very annoying, I want to be able to pan and rotate to move around in 3d space when I use left m-button. And what is this marker for actually?
Sincerly thanks P