I have since yesterday a SpaceNavigator (from 3Dconnection).
I got it to work with the demo apps (xcube and xvalue). *
But it doesn't do anything with Blender.
I did not find any posts about it except some "it will be possible in 2.48" or "there's a plug-in for 2.46" (should I use it? Because I have Blender 2.7. And how can we add a plug-in?).
I use Blender 2.7 and I wonder if there is something to add, or it's just something to configure in Ubuntu (13.10).
I watched many sites, but they all talk about 2.4_ or 2.5_, no 2.7 or even 2.6!
Every help is welcome! :)
*: Some informations about how I installed it (from the given CD): - I followed that (part of the official how to):
cd /tmp
tar xf /<cdrom>/3dxunix.tar linux [where <cdrom> is the path to the root directory of your mounted CD] (I replaced <cdrom> with the correct path)
sh /tmp/linux/install-3dxunix.sh
I had an error:
error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
and found an answer there: 3Dconnection forum
the install worked. -> I have now one "app" (the driver app?) : 3DxWare 1.6.0