What Python command rotates an object around the 3D Cursor?
1 Answer
Assume you already have the Pivot Point
set to 3D Cursor
(although this could be done in Python also)
You can use the operator bpy.ops.transform.rotate()
, but you need to override the context or else it will only rotate around the object's median point.
import bpy
def get_override(area_type, region_type):
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
if area.type == area_type:
for region in area.regions:
if region.type == region_type:
override = {'area': area, 'region': region}
return override
#error message if the area or region wasn't found
raise RuntimeError("Wasn't able to find", region_type," in area ", area_type,
"\n Make sure it's open while executing script.")
#we need to override the context of our operator
override = get_override( 'VIEW_3D', 'WINDOW' )
#rotate about the X-axis by 45 degrees
bpy.ops.transform.rotate(override, value=6.283/8, axis=(1,0,0))