When I do retopology in blender, I constantly run into this inconvenience, when I have to constantly turn xray on and off for the retopology mesh. This is how it looks without xray:
The vertices are constantly displayed even though some of them are a little bit inside the mesh, yet the faces sometimes are partially or completely hidden. I can turn xray on and it will look like this:
Which makes it a lot easer to work and I keep it on most of the time, but the obvious downside is that Xray works pretty much how it is supposed to and you have to turn it off sometimes to see certain parts of the sculpt mesh.
I'm not very experienced with retopology yet and little things like these really slow me down when I just think and try to come up with a grid structure for some complicated parts.
Would really appreciate if someone could share a better sollution.
All I could think of is simply to hide parts of the retopology mesh so they don't obstruct the view, but they only get hidden in editing mode and I don't feel like slicing my retopo mesh into so many pieces. (If there is a way to keep vertices hidden in object mode, that would be a big help already)
Not a perfect sollution, but I've also learned that blender allows setting up hotkeys for pretty much anything, including toggling xray. If anyone is interested, you go User Preferences -> Input -> 3D view -> 3D view(Global) -> scroll all the way down -> +Add new, enter 'wm.context_toggle' into the first field and 'active_object.show_x_ray' into Context A. (It won't let me upload third screenshot,sry)
It works in both modes too, pretty handy.