I'm more than 20 years in IT, but Blender every day joke me :)
It is just placed new imported objects in so unexpected places, so I usually spend few minutes, to figure out, where new object appear.
And for semi-3D objects things are more complicated.
I mean, objects like imported 2D images and DXF, because they usually imported as tiny 2D rectangle, aligned edge to view, so literally looks as line segment with zero width (when selected shown as yellow or orange line segment, and in ortho view nothing shown when not selected).
Unfortunately, I cannot figure out, how to find this object, I usually zoom-out so see all objects, and select it from outliner, and than rotating view and looking for yellow line segment.
Only two things helpful - I'm careful pupil and nearly always import in flat ortho view (I prefer front ortho or top ortho, but right ortho also good), so all times imported object aligned with two axis.
And second, when import I place center of viewport close to zero coordinates, and new object is appeared not far from 3D cursor (depends on size of svg image outline, but usually within classic first Blender cube, 1 blender units size).
It is easier to find knowing this.
As I import svg to emboss it, than I choose from menu: object->convert to mesh from curve...
And than switch to edit mode and extrude along normal, and now it become new blender citizen with all 3D rights :)
Sure, better to import such semi-3D object into empty blender project, than make all need transforms with it; make it complete 3D object; save as .blend file and than import from these .blend file as from library.