I wanted to edit the official pie menus add-on so that instead of Click-Style Intraction ,releasing the pie key without moving the mouse would cause the key to continue its previous function (exp. pressing 'tab' without moving the mouse, switch to edit mode directly instead of appearing the annoying static menu which slow me down.) Reason: Maintaining my muscle memory.
However as I digged into it, it appeared that the new official pie menus add-on is twisted with the blender source itself...
So I want to ask if there is anyway I can achieve this with a python code and editing ui_pie_menus_official.py (within the /2.76/scripts/addons folder) without needing to compile a new branch?
There were a couple of solutions reached my mind but I have no idea about how to practically do it:
-Somehow simulating a 'HOLD' option instead of 'PRESS' for km.keymap_items
-for example if the tab key pressed and if the mouse have moved (kmi = km.keymap_items.new('wm.call_menu_pie', 'MOUSEMOVE', 'ANY')
), do kmi.properties.name = 'VIEW3D_PIE_object_mode'
else just go to edit mode (ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=True)
-if the mouse was within the pie circle (or inside pie_menu_threshold
) go to edit mode instead of bringing the pie menu.. (However I thinks this requires compiling some C++ codes!)