
I've created a custom Transform Orientation (named Side). I also have an object A in which the Local Transform Orientation is set to Global Transform Orientation. I want object A's Local Transform Orientation to be equal to Sides Orientation. How do I do that? I would prefer a manual solution, but one using Python would work too.

I did some digging and found that You can set Transform Orientation in bpy.context.screen.areas[?].spaces[0].transform_orientation but it is just an enum with the name of a active transform. Where is the quaternion stored?

  • $\begingroup$ What do you mean with 'local transform orientation' that is set to 'Global Transform orientation', because these are the different options right? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 12, 2015 at 20:29
  • $\begingroup$ If You create an object its rotation is set to [0,0,0] (and this matches the world orientation) and location to 3Dcursor position. If You will rotate the object it's local rotation will be set to that amount (i.e. [0,0,45]), but the mesh is rotated too. So let's say Side transform is [0, 0, 90]. I want my object to be rotated +[0, 0, 90] and the mesh to be rotated +[0, 0, -90] so that it looks like it wasn't rotated, yet it local rotation to be [0, 0, 90]. You can think of it as rotation of local transform of an object instead of object itself. $\endgroup$
    – Parchandri
    Commented Nov 12, 2015 at 21:10

2 Answers 2


As I discovered while working on Blender function to transform a selected edge along a custom axis the transforms are stored in bpy.context.scene.orientations[i].matrix. You can use orientations[0] or orientations[name].

If you want the rotation component as a quaternion use orientations[i].matrix.to_quaternion() .


With your custom transform selected and in Object Mode, turn on "Affect only > Origins" in the Tool sidebar panel.

Then, you can go to Object > Transform > Align To Transform Orientation. Done!


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