
What is the difference between the F SculptDraw and the F Brush tools in sculpt mode?

From what I can see they appear the same:

enter image description here


5 Answers 5


There's no practical difference so far as I know. Other brush types also have this apparent duplication, for example texture paint and vertex paint have both a Draw and a Mix brush that do the same thing.

  • $\begingroup$ In texture painting there are three similar brushes (they are different, but I don't know what the exact differences are) here is an example. In vertex painting there are three other brushes that also seem the same. (example) $\endgroup$
    – gandalf3
    Commented Nov 4, 2013 at 20:50

Other than a couple of adjustable default settings, this looks like the only difference.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Draw should say Brush, but they are the same. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 3, 2013 at 17:26

I went through every setting and the only difference that I can see is the one of them has the Texture Brush Mapping set to View Plane and one has this value set to be Tiled. This is not significant enough to justify an extra brush.

I'm guessing that this is just an oversight from some testing a developer was working on but you'd likely have to ask one of them. I think Psy-Fi is doing most of the Brush Tools work right now. He is usually on IRC in #blendercoders on freenode. You could drop by and ask. I suspect that he is top of the food chain so far as this question goes.

  • $\begingroup$ They are in blender all the way back to at least 2.63 (the oldest version I have on my hard drive atm) $\endgroup$
    – gandalf3
    Commented Nov 4, 2013 at 20:34

If you read the answers give you will see something important. These brushes have input from a Wacom pad such as the brush angle, pressure and location. I think it might change more if you have these inputs.

You can also set the rotation of the texture manually if you look at the nettings in the N settings area.

More importantly, try these two brushes with a texture using a picture of a white lines on a black background. Make sure that your dynamic texture is on and set to 1 pixel (yes it might overload older computers so go with 5 or so). With brush you will not see much happening but with sculpt draw you will see your texture on your mesh. A huge difference!

Douglas E Knapp. Hope this helps! Email me if you have questions.


To see the differences, go to Outliner Editor>Datablocks Information Display>Brushes and then open the Brush that you desire and expand RNA to see the setup.

The "Brush" Brush has a 1 pixel radius whereas the Draw and SculptDraw brushes are set to 35 pixels. The Unprojected Radius varies among all three brushes. The Sculpt Draw Brush has a 10% spacing whereas the Brush and Draw brushes are set to 5%. Everything else appears to be identical.

X = Cycles between Brush, Draw and SculptDraw Brushes. - Blender 2.72b

enter image description here


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