
Got this strange little issue: I've got a separate module, besides variables such as the player object and animation functions there is also the boolean variable for the W key.

w_active = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE == bge.logic.keyboard.events[bge.events.WKEY]

Now when I import it from the module to another script and go like:

if w_active:

It won't play it but when I don't use the variable and write the bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE = bge.logic.keyboard.events(bge.events.WKEY) right after the if it does work.

I also checked it out with print(w_active) it seems the problem is that the boolean stays on False even when I press the W key.


1 Answer 1


This appears to because the module will only be executed once. Variables assigned directly inside the module will retain their initial value and won't be re-evaluated when accessed later.

To re-evaluate a variable, define it inside a function and call the function from wherever you want to access the current value of the variable.

For example, in the module you might create a function to return True if the W key is pressed:

import bge

def is_w_active():
    return(bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE == bge.logic.keyboard.events[bge.events.WKEY])

Then when this is called from a script (or anywhere else) like so:

import bge, keyboardmodule


it will return True or False accordingly.


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