I have a terrain model in the form of a GEOTIFF raster which is from the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Technology Mission) data.
Can this raster data be converted / imported into blender into a triangular mesh?
Can 3D city modelling be done, over this mesh?
I have a terrain model in the form of a GEOTIFF raster which is from the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Technology Mission) data.
Can this raster data be converted / imported into blender into a triangular mesh?
Can 3D city modelling be done, over this mesh?
Blender can use tiff images, not sure if geotiff works to but it should work too. Otherwise you had to convert the geotiff to a png or jpg first.
Add a plane (same aspect ratio like your image). Go to the modifier tab and add a Subdivision Surface modifier. Set it to Simple. Add 3 or 4 subdivisions and apply the modifier. Add again a Subdivision Surface modifier to control the resolution of your mesh later.
Next add a Displace modifier and add a new Image or Movie texture there. With the rightmost icon you can switch over to the texture tab, load your image and give your texture a name etc.
Back in the modifier tab you can play with the values a bit (Strenght 0.2 for example).
You could add the Decimate modifier to simplify your geometry - just play with the values, Collapse mode should give good results for terrain models.
Here I found a tutorial wich covers also the geotiff conversion (under "Create Heightmap") http://www.navimationresearch.net/2013/norway-in-3d-part-1/ sorry link is dead now.
I think you're looking for a set of Blender addons called BlenderGIS.
See the BlenderGIS Wiki for a full feature list, but the suite author seems to be focused on accuracy and the tools are able to handle arbitrary rasters, DEM and other point cloud data, Delaunay/voronoi triangulation from a variety of sources, and has tools to assist building geometry accurately from topo maps. I haven't used it much, but the documentation is thorough enough, being a work in progress. It has been developed for over 2 years, by one person and is still actively maintained. Perhaps you can lend a hand with the project?