I was wondering if it was possible to create randomly generated calligraphy curves using geometry nodes. (See image below)
I was looking into swirl pattern equations but they mostly came back with spirals (doing it this way may be over complicating things) like a Lemniscate
I wanted to create a bunch of them randomly to see what I get. I know we can change the linestyle thickness using freestyle but was wondering if it can be done in geometry nodes.
- I'm contemplating having some preset curves that are in collections. (3 collections of 4 different curves should give a decent random set)
- Selecting some curves then joining the curves together randomly from the collections (end point to end point) (still thinking on the best way to do this though).
Something like this link just not as complex Blender 3.0 - Geometry Nodes - Replace an instance object according to conditions (if else) also I'm looking at this Staggered palm frond leaves with Geometry Nodes?