I'm trying to create a custom property to control a bone's rotation.
I need a value between a min and a max **degree** value (in my case min -50 and max 20). I tried writing that in multiple ways, but I am struggling. Inputting -50 and 20 alone gives me figures of -1245 degrees for my bone rotation. I went and tried to divide them by 360 and by pi (separately) which didn't help either. And well the most obvious way of adding a "°" or "d" did give me a syntax error.
I also stumbled across this unanswered question on reddit which is basically asking the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/eakun5/how_to_input_degrees_in_driver_menu/
So... Is the to-go good old maths formula to convert that number into a degrees one? What am I even inputting right now? Radiants? I know not one thing about them other than their existance.
Hope somebody can help me clear the confusion. Thanks in advance!