What I want to achieve in my scene: A dolphin is moving towards an object (the sphere in this case).
The Distance to the sphere should determine the scale of the Dolphin but not by just uniformly scaling the dolphin. Rather the sphere should influence the scale of the vertex group by proximity so that for example the dolphin is scaled down on his nose tip where he is closer or inside the object and what's behind him is still the normal size.
Does this make sense? I want a smooth transition within the dolphin's mesh. It should scale at a certain point tied to the sphere so the Dolphin is fully scaled down on the side that's closer to the object but normal size where its more distanced.
I've already tried to create a node tree (see picture) but I am really not an expert. The dolphin uniformly scales by proximity but it doesn't consider the vertex group I created (it includes the full mesh of the dolphin). See blend file below.