glTF supports transmission, but it's a very new feature — "alpha blending" transparency is far more widely supported in most 3D engines. Assuming you're using three.js to view the exported model above, you'll need a very recent version, maybe r133+.
Blender does not yet export the volumetric properties (like refraction) associated with transmission, meaning light does not appear to bend passing through the surface. Follow glTF-Blender-IO#1646 for progress on that. In the meantime you can add refraction with tools like Gestaltor or a custom script.
Finally, realtime implementations of transmission are often limited to showing only opaque materials through the transmissive surface, unlike Blender's Cycles renderer. In Blender that means using Alpha Mode → Opaque for objects that should be visible through the transmissive surface.
More details and a demo below: