
I’m creating a new material to use in my works, in this case, it would be a cartoon-style cel shader, I added image support, lineart, among other resources, but some are missing, because I’m having a lot of difficulty adding.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I would like to add light effects with emission and transparency, similar to the image below, but in cartoon stile:

enter image description here

(large image here: https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/standard17/uploads/threejs/original/3X/b/c/bc7626801848b985bf31762cd4e630b72185d9f5.jpeg)

I tried to leave it in the standard way I find in the internet tutorials, but I couldn't use any with my shader. I've already messed with everything, unfortunately I don't have more knowledge for that. I really appreciate any tips or help.

Attached is the blender file for those who want to take a look: https://we.tl/t-fkCX4MhqlT

Edit: Hi! I'm evolving now, I managed to add the emission, and activate the "Bloom" option that I didn't know, but I'm not able to add the transparency, even following Christopher Bennett's tips

Would this be the case of some other configuration that I don't know about? thank you for your attention :)

Here are the current images:

enter image description here

(the black part is where the transparency is supposed to be)

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ If you're still having problems with transparency, don't forget to change the materials blend mode to something other than "opaque". Alpha-Blend works well for most situations, however you may want to enable/disable "backface culling" and/or "show backface" to your liking. $\endgroup$ May 26, 2022 at 0:04
  • $\begingroup$ I achieved! Thanks a lot for the help!! :D $\endgroup$
    – Nathan
    May 26, 2022 at 0:47

1 Answer 1


Here is a simple toon shader - I multiplied the toon shadows over a red color, but you can use any texture you like.


Here is the same shader with the first "ring" replaced with a blue emission and the third ring transparent. I think you should be able to see what I did using the ColorRamps to mask off certain sections to be used as a mix factor for both the Emission and Transparent shaders. Notice that you can mix an unshaded input (MixRGB output) with a Shader input in a Mix Shader - this keeps the toon look from the Shader To RGB setup, while still allowing the blending with other Shader types.


  • $\begingroup$ Hi! Thank you very much for the tip. :D $\endgroup$
    – Nathan
    May 25, 2022 at 23:55

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