Forgive me, I'm a Blender Noob, but I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone please either reproduce this bug, or explain what I'm doing wrong?
- Start with a short cube wide enough x/y to cut an array of holes
- Create a thin, tall (>cube height) cylinder that extends above & below cube
- Move that cylinder from 0,0--away from the center and toward the edge of the cube
- You should now have a thin cylinder sitting off-center within a cube
- In Edit mode, use the Spin tool to "extrude" multiple copies of the cylinder 360° around z-axis with a count of 4 (or any #)
- You now have 4 tall cylinders equally spaced within the cube
- Using Boolean tool or Modifier on the cube (both result in same for me), subtract/Difference the cylinders from the cube.
I don't get any result whatsoever. Both objects remain independent, unaffected by the operation. HOWEVER, if you switch to Union, they join just fine and become a single object. Also, if you switch the operands and subtract the cube from the cylinders, you get a proper gap in your cylinders. Why can't I subtract the cylinders from the cube?
Thanks in advance!
Removing cylinders from cube with Difference to make holes in the cube fails:
Adding cylinders to cube with Join correctly creates new merged object:
Removing cube from cylinders to create a gap in cylinders works: