I have a .blend showing an exact copy of the objects that are in my game, but just simplified without any models. I have a head, a torso, rigs for the head and torso, and collision bounds along with the floor. The floor will act as a map. I am trying to have things collide with only certain things, but it doesn't seem to work. In my game, I need the collision bounds to only collide with the map. The head and torso should not collide with anything except projectiles (the floor in the .blend provided). The projectiles should collide only with the map and the character (head and torso). The .blend provided includes all the objects with names to help. Anything is appreciated, thank you!
EDIT: It seems like it does not work because of the parenting, I still need the parenting the way it is. Thus you need to make a script or do something in order to have the parenting not affect the collisions.