Hi is there a way to apply a material on certain parts of an object? What I mean is this ... I have for example RUST and PAINT and in the MIX shader I could assign a texture (ie NOISE) so white parts will be one mat and black another or I could paint a texture myself on UV unwrapped surface to design exactly what I want but... Is there a way to AUTOMACIALY "assign" the RUST to the "sharper" edges/corners?
I know Pointiness could do something like this but dunno if there is a way how to "randomly" fade it out cause have rust exactly only on edges and with the same "amount" all the way along does not look "real". Im looking for effect in top-right corner (Wall-e material).
REM: SHARPER mean NOT with assigned sharpness but angle dependent so as could be seen on the picture below ONLY on the edges of the cube.
Sinerely, Jan