
Good afternoon,

I'm having issues importing a .obj file of the USS Ticonderoga (purchased from vendor). Whenever I try to import it, I get the error shown in the image below (sequences of dimension 0 should contain 3 items not 2). The .mtl file is in the same directory as the .obj file. Blender version is 2.91.

I can confirm that the .obj file is openable using 3DView.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Can confirm this is a bug in Blender's OBJ importer. I filed a bug report for you: https://developer.blender.org/T89421

You can work around the bug in the meantime. Your model should have come with a .mtl file. Open it in a text editor and look for any lines that have a -s, like this

map_Kd -s 2.000 2.000 texture.jpg

The Kd, 2.000, and texture.jpg parts might be different for you. The important part is that there are two numbers after -s. You need to add a third number, a 1

map_Kd -s 2.000 2.000 1 texture.jpg

Do that for all these lines, save, and the import should now work.


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