I'm attempting to model a hybrid French-Turkish drop spindle and have most of it modeled out from a sketch and prototyping a simple Turkish style model first. The only difference I'm aiming for is a spiral impressed shaft top for the French addition.
Example of a French spindle top, this is my goal.
Example of the Turkish shaft and the cone base I'm using to create the French shaft.
I've tried using a boolean modifier to create the spiral using spiral bases I've found on Thingiverse (allowing for the CCs to do so of course), but this hasn't worked and frankly I don't like relying on someone else's work to accomplish my own, I'd rather have an understanding of how something is achieved.
I'm very new to 3d modeling and I suspect this problem may have a simple solution, but I lack the technical vocabulary to find what I need just searching online. If anyone can help me understand what functions would be useful in this case from a modeling perspective it would be deeply appreciated!