So, I was hoping there was a way to get very specific information but I seem unable to find it.
I'm planning on assembling various parts of an object (a tree) generated in Blender using code. To assemble these parts I need the XYZ angles of each face relative to the original rotation as it transitions from part to part.
I have assembled, from various answers and the Blender API reference, the following code block:
import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
import bmesh
context = bpy.context
obj = context.edit_object
mw = obj.matrix_world.copy()
bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
# for this example jmake a face active
face =
o = face.calc_center_median()
# calculate the axis dif in local coords
axis_src = face.normal
# local z-axis
axis_dst = Vector((-1, 0, 0))
matrix_rotate = mw.to_3x3()
matrix_rotate = matrix_rotate @ axis_src.rotation_difference(axis_dst).to_matrix()
matrix_translation = Matrix.Translation(mw @ o) #
obj2 = context.scene.objects.get("Branch_New")
obj2.matrix_world = matrix_translation @ matrix_rotate.to_4x4()
This takes the 'inner part' in this picture:
And attaches it at the appropriate location with the appropriate rotation.
This means that what I'm looking for is in here somewhere.
What I need is a way to duplicate this functionality in Unity without hand-recording a 3x3 matrix for each joint I create. And then being able to keep it all proportional in code if the objects change size. I could do this, I think with a quaternion and an angle for each joint?
So I guess my question is how I get matrix_rotate (in its final form) to represent one more simple part of that quaternion, since matrix_translation is the 3-d coordinates of the other part. I think.
Now that I have the code working I can probably get through the rest on my own, and will provide an answer within a few days. But if someone else has faced this problem before and can help I would definitely appreciate it.
, but not used it, (if you wanted it in World space) ..acos
of what angle? $\endgroup$