Some rattling on.
Not sure one arbitrary rotation matrix and one location vector with very little more info is enough. Instead of a very long commment, here is some ways to try and work this out.
The matrices given.
>>> print(R)
<Matrix 3x3 (-0.4877, 0.8728, 0.0190)
( 0.4404, 0.2648, -0.8578)
(-0.7537, -0.4100, -0.5136)>
T = Matrix.Translation((1.5581, 1.2190, 1.4871))
In blender (row order matrix) the columns of a 3x3 rotation matrix are the vectors of local axes. If the camera was placed such that it focused directly on (0, 0, 0) (In blender a camera looks down its $-Z$ axis)
For example in default blend, with a track to constraint on camera to look at cube at (0, 0, 0)
>>> C.object['Camera']
>>> print(C.object.matrix_world.to_3x3())
<Matrix 3x3 (0.6563, -0.3579, 0.6642)
(0.7545, 0.3114, -0.5778)
(0.0000, 0.8803, 0.4744)>
>>> print(C.object.matrix_world.translation.normalized())
<Vector (0.6642, -0.5778, 0.4744)>
ie its local $Z$ axis matches its normalized location
if it was same for given data would expect
>>> T.translation.normalized()[:]
(0.6295621991157532, 0.4925462305545807, 0.6008740663528442)
to match a column (or row, not sure of order) of rotation matrix, unfortunately it does not,.
Using angles given to get this matrix by setting order to ZYX and transposing
>>> print(Euler((map(radians, (141.4, -48.9, -137.9))), 'ZYX').to_matrix().transposed())
<Matrix 3x3 (-0.4878, 0.8728, 0.0187)
( 0.4407, 0.2647, -0.8577)
(-0.7536, -0.4101, -0.5138)>
Reversed order suggests pitch, roll, yaw type rotation.
Transposing suggests either column order of matrices, it is also a cheap way of inverting a rotation matrix.
>>> print(Euler((map(radians, (141.4, -48.9, -137.9))), 'ZYX').to_matrix().inverted())
<Matrix 3x3 (-0.4878, 0.8728, 0.0187)
( 0.4407, 0.2647, -0.8577)
(-0.7536, -0.4101, -0.5138)>
Which also suggests there could be a difference in +/- for CW / CCW rotation.
>>> print(Euler((map(radians, (-141.4, 48.9, 137.9))), 'XYZ').to_matrix())
<Matrix 3x3 (-0.4878, 0.8728, 0.0187)
( 0.4407, 0.2647, -0.8577)
(-0.7536, -0.4101, -0.5138)>
Seeing what happens, set the matrix world to
C.object.matrix_world = T @ R.to_4x4()
for the hell of it in this one have used
C.object.matrix_world = T @ R.transposed().to_4x4()
since it is easy to see in image that (if the object of interest to focus is around (0, 0, 0) it's looking the wrong way and is upside down.
Can make a conversion matrix via
>>> bpy_extras.io_utils.axis_conversion(
... from_forward='Z',
... from_up='-Y',
... to_forward='-Z',
... to_up='Y')
Matrix(((1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.0, -1.0, 0.0),
(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)))
Or can see that flipping 180 degrees around $X$ axis would give same result.
>>> Matrix.Rotation(pi, 3, 'X')
Matrix(((1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.0, -1.0, -8.742277657347586e-08),
(0.0, 8.742277657347586e-08, -1.0)))
So with one of the conversion matrices above as S
>>> S = Matrix.Rotation(pi, 4, 'X')
>>> C.object.matrix_world @= S
In as much as it doesn't exactly answer your question, I hope it gives enough info that if you have two locations and a rotation from each that points directly at a known point (eg the origin) then it would be a relatively easy task to work out the space.