I made a water simulation.
I also use an HDRI to light the scene because it is easy to use and looks great.
Unfortunately the water "mirrors" the HDRI background which isn't blue which looks kind of "bad". I want to have blueish color.
So i thought, i could add a blue plane around/under the water so it reflects the blue from there.
Unfortunately it does not (in Eevee).
Anybody an idea how to get what i want?
@Moonboots: Thank you very much for your answer. At least now i can change the color. ;) But... now my "water" looks like this (see image)
I hoped the water would somehow reflect that color that it still looks like water...
UPDATE2: @moonboots: i am sorry, but the file is too big because of HDRI i think, so blender stackexchange didn't work, your proposal does just accecpt until 24MB ...it is 105 MB ...so to be quick i used dropbox, hope you don't beat me