
I'm using the spin tool to create a circular shape of objects (fig 1 as an example), however I can't find a way to link them.

enter image description here

When I edit the cube all the other cubes are left independent (fig 2). I'm trying to get the sort of behaviour you get when using an array, but have decided to use the spin tool instead as it's much easier to create a circle of objects.

enter image description here

I've tried using both Spin and Spin Duplicates but can't see a difference. And I've also tried the use duplicates option.

enter image description here

Any ideas on how to achieve my goal? or is there a better way of doing this?

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ WIth the Spin tool you won't have instances, but what shape are you trying to achive exactly? If it's a series of cube, use the Array with Object Offset $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 19:43
  • $\begingroup$ It's a repeating shape that changes over time. I even tried using separation to create different instances of the object which worked great. However once you try to link the data all the cubes move to the exact same spot which defeated the purpose. I think I'll have to use the array modifier however how do you create a circle like the above in a non destructive manner? $\endgroup$
    – user105534
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 19:53

1 Answer 1


The first method would be to use Array / Object Offset:

  • Create your cube, go in Edit mode, move it away from its origin:

enter image description here enter image description here

  • Create an empty at the exact same point as the cube origin:

enter image description here

  • Give your cube an Array modifier, choose a Count of 12, deactivate Relative Offset, enable Object Offset and choose the empty as Object:

enter image description here

  • Rotate the empty 30° on the Z axis, the cube instances rotate around:

enter image description here

  • You can select the cube again and, in Edit mode, move/edit it. Use the Array Merge option if you want the instances to stick to each other.

enter image description here

The second method would be to use Instancing:

  • Create a 12 vertex circle, extrude inwards, give it Instancing > Faces:

enter image description here

  • Create your cube, parent it to the circle, it will repeat circularly:

enter image description here


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