I'm a beginner in blender and i can't figure out why the shadows in my scene are different in live render and final render. The shadows seem to be less pronounced in the final render. That makes it really time consuming to fine tune the lamp size and strength values. I'm using a shadow catcher and a background image with one lamp (sun) and a world background with the strength of 1.0.
Color management settings: Color Space & Display Device: sRGB, View: default, Exposure: 0, Gamma: 1, Look: none, Use curves: off
- Live render:
- Final render:
- Composition nodes:
When changing the world background strength to 0.0 the images become more similar but still not the same and i need the background for reflections.
I reproduced the problem in a new file. Download for blender 2.79.
The shadow in the preview is clearly darken than in the final render: