
I have some text I need to type out, and distribute evenly. I used the Array modifier, thinking I can make as many duplicates I need, add the space between the text, and then add the modifier and change the text to the actual wording I need. But this modifier cannot be applied to text. And converting the text to mesh o curves loses it's editability,

Im aware with Shift + D, and then Shift + R will make duplicates, but if I need to change position of the text, I need to repeat the process again.

Any other methods to do this?

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You can Alt D and Shift R, and if you need to increase the space between the text, choose Options > Transform Affect Only Locations? You could also use Instancing $\endgroup$
    – moonboots
    Commented Feb 15 at 7:39
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Menu "Object/Convert/To Mesh", if the point of your question is to apply the modifier. $\endgroup$
    – lemon
    Commented Feb 15 at 7:53

2 Answers 2


I guess you could do that with GeoNodes. If you don't want GN, you could use Instancing, first create an edge that you subdivide, parent the text object to it:

enter image description here

Activate the Instancing > Vertices option of the edge, the text will be instanced on each vertex of the mesh:

enter image description here

If, for example, you want to increase the gap between the instances, scale the mesh in Edit mode:

enter image description here

If you want to edit the text, select it in the Outliner (you'll find it under the edge object as it is its child) and press Tab:

enter image description here


You can change spacing between objects in Blender in various ways. They certainly apply to text objects same way as to any other, so after using Shift + D and Shift + R to duplicate, move and repeat, you can definitely change the spacing of your objects without any trouble.

You can simply scale all your selected objects with Affect Only: Locations checked for example:

enter image description here

All functionality of transform operators is available to you. You can choose transform pivot, snapping, use numerical input and so on. Don't forget you can use Shift + R for anything as well, so you can repeat only moving.


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