I'm currently working on an animation consisting of 200 objects (spheres) for a drone show. I was wondering what is the correct way to naturally animate all the objects when transitioning from a formation - or "shape" - to another, as I'm still struggling to understand if I'm following the correct way.
I've achieved a similar result by either manually keyframing and animating each row individually, thus manually simulating the "natural" movement - or by making each horizontal row follow an individual path. Unfortunately, as you can imagine, both methods are quite time consuming as I have to work on 200 or more objects one by one.
I've thought about the possibility of simulating and animating a cloth in 0 gravity and then snapping and constraining each object to the vertices of the cloth to follow its movement, but I'm not sure how to achieve this or if it is actually possible.
For similar "natural" effects, snapping and "pinning" the spheres to animated particles could also do the work, but again I don't have enough experience on Blender to know if this is possible to achieve.
If attached a simple .blender animation with 200 objects if you wanna check how it works or if you wanna try messing with it.