Another way to state it would be a bendy bone rig that uses a single deform bone (with head and tail) as described in this tutorial, but that then has more control points along it'sits length.
- A root bone that does nothing
A root bone that does nothing
- A bezier curve with only 2 control points(pictured but occluded)
A bezier curve with only 2 control points(pictured but occluded)
- 4 bone chain spline-IKed to the curve (not pictured but in same place as bendy bones)
4 bone chain spline-IKed to the curve (not pictured but in same place as bendy bones)
- 4 tweak controller bones that are children of the 4 spline-IKed bones (the spheres)
4 tweak controller bones that are children of the 4 spline-IKed bones (the spheres)
- 4 deform bones that are constrained to stretch to the 4 tweak bones (the visible bendy bones)
4 deform bones that are constrained to stretch to the 4 tweak bones (the visible bendy bones)
- A hook bone that controls the tail curve control point and has Limit Distance on the rig bone
A hook bone that controls the tail curve control point and has Limit Distance on the rig bone
- A master controller bone (the 5th sphere) that is the parent of the hook bone.
A master controller bone (the 5th sphere) that is the parent of the hook bone.
All of this works great. I can use the hook bone or master controller bone to move the curve's control point, and the whole strand follows. I can then manually go in and use the Tweak bone to add waviness, as shown in the picture. The problem is that I've gotI have no local Y rotation.