So, as the title states, I am new to blender and apart from a few videos on YouTube I decided to try something of my own yesterday.
I'm struggling with the way one would go about modelling a camera body without reference images. I've started on the lens and I think that it has came out OK but the body is making me struggle. On the camera that I am trying to model it hasfeature; a strip of metal going near the top of the camera body and modelling it is becoming a bit of an issue. I would like to know if anyone could guide me with what to do or edit my .blend file so that I can observe the way you do things(Fujifilm s4400).
Here is the final render of what I have done so far:
My problem is that the metal strip will not extrude to a continuous length because of the curve around the camera body. To add to that when I smooth out the model I get a gap where the strip is and it curves at the end leading to a hole in the model. I would just like to know
Could someone guide me with what to do or edit my .blend file so that I can observe the way you guys would do here if possiblethings.
Also, if you wish to seeHere is the camera thatfinal render of what I am trying to model then the name ishave done so far: Fujifilm s4400
Here is the blend file if you would like to have a look:!402&authkey=!ANRCxzBWbz75GiI&ithint=file%2cblend
kind regards,