Its running modal
The file browser as noted in question code when invoked is running modally.
print("execute", self.filepath)
in your execute method where you set the class property, will notice in output
No file selected
execute some/file/path
because the filebrowser has been invoked and is running modally, the last print in script is executed before the new print.
If however we change test call to"wink")
we get
execute wink
No file selected
Which reminds us that it is a slippery slope to set a class property from an instance, ie it doesn't work so instead
self.__class__.selected_file = self.filepath
execute wink
or perhaps better still, make a class method to set it.
Window Manager Last Time Props
Another option would be to use the output of WindowManager.operator_properties_last
>>> props = C.window_manager.operator_properties_last("open.file")
>>> props.filepath
which if not run prior (or get the name wrong)
>>> props = C.window_manager.operator_properties_last("open.pile") is None
Finally as shown in this answer re a check method can get the current filepath directly from the filebrowser space while it has context.