The two first are, as the name suggests, to calculate reflection maps for reflective surfaces. They may seem useless at first because you can enable Screen Space Reflections in EEVEE render panel, however screen space reflections have limitations. They are very fast to generate, but can only really capture objects that are inside the view frustum, that is currently visible from the active point of view or camera and directly displayed in the viewport, and the sampling quality is not always enough.
As the name suggests Reflection PlanePlanes are the most simple ones, suitable for mostly flat surfaces like mirrors, glass panes, floor reflections, or rainy pavements. On more irregular surfaces they will likely generate weirdinadequate results.
It has a clipping distance that will limit the probe reach ofand limit which objects are visible and included in its reflectionsgenerated reflection map. They are relatively cheap in terms of computation and work in real time, not requiring any baking.
Objects with reflective materials that reside withingwithin its influence range (the bounding box around it) will be influencedaffected by what this plane "sees", benefiting from the probeprobes improved reflection map.
Similar to the Reflection Plane this will generate a more complex reflection map suited for curving shapes. Unlike the plane though this is not a real time process and requires baking, specifically the Bake Cubemap Only option from the EEVEE Render Panel in the Properties Editor.
It also has clipping distances which affect the range of what is reflectedvisible in reflections and what gets clipped away. Moving a reflective object away from its influence radius also excludes it from it's "effect".
Since it requires baking, it wont update in real time, so if the scene changes it requires manual updating by rebaking.
Irradiance Volume is a different kind of probe, it calculates indirect lighting and shadows rather than reflections. RealMany real time rasterization engines like EEVEE, although very advanced, can't really calculate indirect lighting by themselves, thus needs help generating and displaying this type of lighting interactions.
Likewise, since this is potentially heavy calculation that requires baking from the render panel to actually exert its influence. The higher the XYZ resolution the denser the grid, causing heavier the calculation resulting in a longer process, that conversely provides higher quality effects.
Baking supports animations, for scenes that change over time. If the scene changes the baked result must be manually updated by rebaking. Since it is a potentially heavy and long process it is best saved for last, to avoid having redo it many times.
- Add probe object
- Adjust position
- Scale it up or down so it encompasses all desired parts of the scene
- Adjust clipping distances and grid density as desired
- Bake (from render panel for Cube Maps and Irrandiance Volumes)