
I try to loop cut 2 times on a cubic, then switch to front view, use box select to select the middle part, then extrude -1 around z axis into the cubic. but the output looks like below: enter image description here

Obviously, the two border face not been extruded as expected. I know boolean modify works for this case but I wish to use extrude.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ "face not been extruded as expected" This is the expected result. what did you wish to see? Blender erasing those faces for you? $\endgroup$ Oct 23, 2017 at 2:16

2 Answers 2


You could use Rip Fill (ALTV) on both edges, you can use vertex snap tool to help the edges Z positioning,

enter image description here

you could also do both together (start with cursor between edges)

enter image description here

remember to remove doubles, after.


If i understood the question are you looking for this. No need to remove doubles or delete extra mesh. This addon do the best.

enter image description here

With the Default cube sub divide it twice. With the edge selected scale to Y axis. Select the top 3 Faces and with the Destructive Extrude Addon Push it downwards. Holding control key you can align with the edges.


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