Is it possible to convert/export 2D curves to an svg
I know you could render it to a raster image and then convert it with inkscape/potrace, but it would be nice if you could keep the splines the way they are in blender.
You can try Liero's addon Viewport to SVG:
The final shape is determined by point of view (perspective/orthogonal). Addon exports all selected curve objects (3D curves as well).
Note: Bezier curve is exported with strange looking poly line version. In Inkscape - click on this path and delete. In Illustrator – first Ungroup once (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + G), than select and delete.
There is another add-on called Export SVG Format, which exports only active object. Shape of curve is determined by "Local Z" axis in Orthogonal view. Addon is a bit messed up with naming – downloaded script is called "", in blender's user preferences appears as "Export SVG Format" and in blender's File menu under Export you will find it as "Inkscape SVG".
Both addons exports only paths (no fills).
, and if you enable it in the Addons settings you probably will want to press 'Save user settings' (bottom left) afterwards. Here is a screenshot if it helps.