
I'm trying to make a normal map generator in Blender and I need to add Levels-like node. I'm using this tutorial about generating normal map from four pictures (https://dreamlight.com/how-to-create-normal-maps-from-photographs/#Photoshop - Create the Normal Map Layers header) and I'm stuck in a step where I must put Levels to 128-255 range on a Top-Right layer. Is there any way to reinvent Levels node in Blender Shading Nodes (Shading card)?

Images: My node tree My node tree

Results (TOP, looks okay) and normalmap preview Results (TOP, looks okay) and normalmap preview

Results from Left-Bottom corner, looks bad! Results from Left-Bottom corner, looks bad!


1 Answer 1


You can get the same functionality with the Color Ramp node.

Add > Converter > Color Ramp

enter image description here

And because the Color Ramp node uses 0-1 value range, just multiply your value by 1 / 255.
Like this:

enter image description here

You can technically also do this with RGB curves, they're just a different tool for doing the same thing.


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