
I've a Scene bought from Internet.

This scene has cameras, but I've set up a new one from the front of the object.

The problem is that when rendering (F12) It renders from top view (there is a camara from the scene in this position).

But I needed to render from the front, from the camara named "Camara".

Before rendering I press "0" to see the Camara's perspective and it is correct, but in rendering Camara changes to another camara from the scene: Camara_4_Sc1.

I've set up my "Camara" in Scene panel: but it renders from top (from camara from scene bought in Internet)

enter image description here

Render from TOP (wrong): Pressing F12 changes Camara to Camara_4_Sc1

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Rendering is possible only with an active camera. To do it you select it and press CTRL + Numpad 0 or use the Menu as it is in the comment to make it active.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It should be CTRL + numpad 0. Regular 0 doesn't work. The menu path here is View -> Cameras -> Set Active Object as Camera $\endgroup$
    – Jackdaw
    Mar 24, 2019 at 10:43

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