Questions tagged [audio]

Audio can take the form of sound strips or speakers in Blender both intended for adding audio to animation renders. Use this tag for questions about either form of audio in Blender.

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Insert Sound to Samples keyframe into Value Geometry node

I am realy new to Blender and Python. I want to add the Sound curve with Python into a value. like you would do in Blender it selfe This would be the steps in Blender but i want to change it with ...
Deniz Böttcher's user avatar
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Sound to samples not working

Inserted a keyframe in Shape Keys Key 1 Value (Relative checked). Graph editor:Clicked sound to samples, downloaded audio. f-curve shows up. Play animation,nothing happens. Please help. Thank you
Roberto Collins Lazo L's user avatar
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Intensity of Audioreactive low

I am quite new to Blender and trying to animate a mesh through using 'Bake to F Curves' (or, as per the update, 'Sound to Samples'). I am not the best at Blender and don't know how to code. So far, I ...
Mira_0496's user avatar
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Use filtered Audio to drive an Animation

I want to create music visualization. To Do that I have learned to use Audio to create a curve and to drive Animations by it. And i know, that I can Import Audio to the video editor, where i can ...
Chricken's user avatar
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I want to make an audio visualizer that accumulates the input from a f-curve data rather than vacillates between values. How can I accomplish this?

The specific effect I'm going for is a noise texture on an object to move a little bit farther each time a sound is played from an audio file. Essentially I want it to accumulate the values from the f-...
Jesse Beauchamp's user avatar
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Baked audio to fcurve>fcurve through a driver to animate a hook empty to deform geometry>works great... BUT

I've asked this question a couple of times in a couple of places and it's driving me crazy. I've baked drum beat to the x location fcurve channel of an icosphere so that it bumps to the positive x and ...
James Dunbar's user avatar
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How can i animate "swing"synced to music?

I'm animating with audio baked to f-curves and applying that translation data to an empty hook object using basic drivers to deform geometry. Easy enough to make the "hips" bump to one ...
James Dunbar's user avatar
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Is it possible to add music to the timeline while animating? [duplicate]

Basically I want to try to make an animation where a character plays a song on an instrument. Is there a way to get the audio to the timeline so I can listen where the music is going (seeing the ...
SCCCCC's user avatar
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I can't view the waveform in video sequencer

I was working on an animation in Blender, and after that, the button for visualizing the waveform from a mp3 audio disappears. Does anyone know the solution to this problem? Here are some images: I ...
stefano stoppa's user avatar
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How do I make a sound strip added programmatically to VSE channel through Blender Python API, not be muted anymore?

I wrote some python code to add a sound strip to Blender VSE at every runtime. The sound strip is indeed added as I wanted but it is muted, I cant hear the actual sound. I checked everything I could ...
Cristi Workspace's user avatar
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Sound to samples is disabled

I'm new to blender and one thing that sometimes happens is the 'sound to samples' menu gets disabled and I'm not sure why. What are the prerequisites for using this feature.
Tommie Jones's user avatar
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How to create accurate RBD simulations that are perfectly synced to sound and collide with each sound beats?

Hey Blender Community!, I recently stumbled upon this youtube short by this famous artist using rigid body sims to create this amazing animation with the sim reacting with music notes. I was wondering ...
Atharva Deodhar's user avatar
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VSE Audio Strip Modifier, using the Equalizer

Happy New Year! How does one properly apply the equalizer modifier in an Audio strip? In particular, this "Copy to Selected Strips" option. The various things I've tried appear to make no ...
Devany's user avatar
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Appended file sped up

I had animated a character in one file and synced it with an audio - when I appended the character file into another one, the whole animation is now sped up, I don't know what to do.
Hijab Ahmed's user avatar
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Where did "Speed Factor" go? (Video Sequencer)

In version 4.0.2 there is no "Speed Factor" option. Where does this option live now?
Кот Сосун's user avatar
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Importing the height of a Waveform as geometry

i'm currently creating an audio visualizer animation and i'd really like to have the waveform sitting in the background in the form of columns that represent the shape of the actual waveform of the ...
Horyzon's user avatar
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How could I hear a sound from one VSE in another

Start up a new blend file. Go into VSE Add audio Add another new scene (in the same file) Go into VSE of this new scene. Add a scene strip of the first scene But you can't hear the audio from that ...
FnAf Blendur MAUn's user avatar
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Audio Keyframes - can't change volume

I'm trying to do audio mixing in Blender Video Editor. I add a keyframe on the Audio track and then set the Volume. But it immediately gets set back to 1.0. What am I missing?
Fred Flinstone's user avatar
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What does accuracy mean under render audio?

I was exporting the audio of a VSE project, and under Render > Render audio... there's an Accuracy option that starts at 1024 by default. The hover box says it's ...
Francisco Skrobola's user avatar
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Blender 4.0 Video Sequence Editor audio pitch missing

In Video Sequence Editor, there was no pitch setting. I looked on the internet for help and it told me that it changed from pitch setting from the sound section to the speed factor on the time section ...
LaDeep Family's user avatar
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Baking sound to F-curve in keyframe produces no results

I want to animate a shader node from a sound file (showing an open or closed mouth if the sound crosses a threshold). I follow the suggestions here, here and here, but the graph editor shows nothing ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Bake sound to F-curve missing from Graph Editor Channel menu

I am trying to bake a sound to an F-curve as input to a Shader node. I follow the suggestions here and here, but still I cannot make it work. I can add a keyframe to a value node, open the Graph ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Where is Bake sound to F-curve in 4.0?

It`s not grey out, I litterally cant see it. I was looking in Key and Channel tab, and theres no sound option. Did they move it again somewhere or got rid of it?
Audio_Video_Enthusiast's user avatar
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How to make baked sound f-curve trigger a layer's visibility?

I want to animate a picture of a puppet with two images, one with a closed mouth and one with an open mouth. I want to trigger the open mouth when an audio track goes above a certain volume. This ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Align audio track to reference audio

I'm editing a music video with one camera but multiple microphones. It's a rather cheap setup, so I had everyone record audio on their phones individually and I plan on using the audio from the camera ...
CStafford-14's user avatar
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Driver based off rotation speed

Hello I want to make a driver that's value increases and decreases based off of how fast an object is rotating. such as a for a tank turrets motor when the turret is rotating Thank you For any Help
Deathstrider's user avatar
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Automatic sound effect on bounce

Using physics simulation, I have created a ball bounce that looks something like this: How can I automatically add a sound effect on each bounce? The sound is from a provided sound file (example: <...
wjwrpoyob's user avatar
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I need to slow down a video, including its audio

I need to slow down a video, including its audio, while maintaining the audio pitch and minimizing any loss in audio quality. I'm working in Blender v. 3.3.1.
Hosu's user avatar
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Addon doesn't work after restarting blender 3.3.1

I made an addon for blender (3,3,1). It works. I managed to install it. But after restarting the program, it stops working. At least the checkbox in the edit is active. I just can't find a solution to ...
WhiteFlame 's user avatar
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Sounds or meta-strips from VSE through a speaker object?

I am playing sounds when various falling objects hit other objects, like the ground. I have them playing sounds that I've assembled to match timing in the VSE. Is there a way to play these sequences ...
Black Fox's user avatar
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RuntimeError: Error: Compiled without sound support

Finally figured out the fcurve/baking sound thing, for the most part. Now, I'm getting the error in the title. Full traceback is below. I'm running a fresh install of ...
Devin Gardner's user avatar
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Trying to bake sound with a context override through Python

I'm working on an audio visualizer mostly from scratch. I'm trying to override the context so I can run bpy.ops.graph.sound_bake() but for some reason I can't get ...
Devin Gardner's user avatar
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Audio and Video Out of Sync in Preview

When I import a screen recording from my computer and my corresponding VoiceOver to edit, they become out of sync as the video progresses. The audio is not longer than the video, they end at exactly ...
Jamm-Scotch's user avatar
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Geometry Nodes: How can I use baked sound F-curve data as a math function?

I want to use baked sound F-curve instead of sin and cos in expression for Trefoil knot: \begin{aligned}x&=\sin t+2\sin 2t\\y&=\cos t-2\cos 2t\\z&=-\sin 3t\end{aligned} Is it possible to ...
Pavel Trufanov's user avatar
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Renders with video editing has no sound [duplicate]

Whenever I try and render a video in blender (to be specific, I am using the 5th option that blender supplies me with, video editing), it comes out without sound. When I watch the project in the ...
user171542's user avatar
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No audio in rendered video if audio is in sequencer while video stuff is in Compositor

I noticed that if I use the compositor, I cannot get anything in the Sequencer included in the output even if Sequencer is ticked in the lower right corner. But that's okay for the Video and Image ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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Syncing 2D audio to game map

I'm basically making a rhythm game in upbge 3.6 where the player will have to tap to the rhythm of the song. I was able to make a map for the song, but everytime I try and play it, the song is ...
Beszteri Milán's user avatar
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Morph linear graph to log graph by distorting UVs?

Hi Blender enthusiasts. I've been trying to understand how the ffmpeg shoswpectrumpic function works. It allows you to generate a spectrogram from an audio file using either a linear, or logarithmic ...
holybobine's user avatar
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How to import a video file with multiple tracks?

I want to import some OBS videos into Blender and they have multiple audio tracks, but Blender shows only one audio track
ProgKing's user avatar
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VSE: sound animations lost in scene strips

In my first large video editing project, I make my life easier by splitting the total video into a number of scenes, and merging them together in a main scene. What I have so far, is this: Scene 1, ...
Frank's user avatar
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F-curves aren't showing for half the animation

So I'm making an audio visualizer in blender. For the first half of the animation, there are no f-curves, even though in the audio file there is music. I've checked to make sure there are no modifiers,...
Clucks's user avatar
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How do I change the intensity of f-curves (sound bakes to f-curves)

I'm making an audio visualizer with Blender, but my visualizer is all over the place and way to intense. I added the Envelope modifier, but it is still too intense. How can I make the f curves softer ...
Clucks's user avatar
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Making blender able to record audio with an addon

I am now aware that Blender doesn’t support recording audio natively, but I’ve decided to use Pyaudio somehow. For now I intend to import to VSE, but the real issue for me is displaying “time since ...
Lockshades's user avatar
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Reproduced a sound with Geometry Nodes

I've searched in Google, Youtube and within Blender's own Geometry Nodes, without success, if there was any Node to reproduce a sound. Do you know if theres a way to do it? Thanks :)
Pep Andorra's user avatar
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Audio Peak Meter

I’m trying to make an accurate audio peak meter in blender and can’t seem to get it right. So here’s what I want to do… The Z scale of object B is being animated by an audio file which I imported in ...
Adam's user avatar
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My Audio Is Changing The Start

I have an audio file, and am trying to animate according to (very precise) it, but it isn't working bc it is starting at different positions according tp where I play it. for example, if I am on ...
AnimatorGuy's user avatar
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How to make (a piano) sound when instance is a certain location?

Currently I am creating pendulum waves in geometry nodes in Blender 3.4. Everything regarding movement works perfectly but what I want to add is a sound when each pendulum hits the ground or wall. I ...
Thijs Manders's user avatar
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Image Sequence no longer plays audio or png images after render

I'm trying to fix an issue I'm having with Blender's Image Sequence. After compiling my images, audio and visuals I rendered the file however when I go back to the file, nothing is playing as it ...
Anon's user avatar
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is there a way to display audio waves bigger?

is there a way to make the waves of my audio bigger? at the moment they are almost not visible. At the moment it looks like this. When i render the animation the sound is good. but its difficult to ...
Paul Häni's user avatar
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Render multi-track audio

How to render with multi-track audio and offset? Setting the "mono" option in each sound strip results in using first two tracks without offset and silence on remaining two. The audio must ...
xgjxcxzk's user avatar
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